About Us

We believe in promoting the freedom, dignity, and self-worth of every person, we are the voice of the people we serve in addressing their humanitarian needs.

-The Peter Uba Foundation

Building critical and necessary services to stabilize the lives of individuals

and groups within the vulnerable populations and regions we serve. The Peter Uba Foundation is positioned to strengthen the cause of our purpose at the community, national, and international levels.

Our philosophy at The Peter Uba Foundation is to focus on the assets within the communities we serve while providing immediate interventions, and advocating for community resources.

Our philosophy at The Peter Uba Foundation is to focus on the cause of the problem not just the solution on all our interventions and services.

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Peter Uba


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We are positioned to work across the globe in areas of


Health and Well-being

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Food, Hunger, and Sustainability

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Alleviate Poverty Through Outreach

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Education & Training

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Combating Climate Change

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Human Developments Initiatives

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Our mission is to provide marginalized and underserved populations across the globe access to health, social, and economic resources.

We are committed to bridging the equity gaps in all areas of social determinants of health.

Our philosophy at The Peter Uba Foundation is to focus on the cause of the problem not just the solution on all our interventions and services.

Vulputate orci, et ultrices tellus rutrum mollis. Fusce a eros tellus. Ut vitae risus sit amet nisl blandit rutrum quis ac enim. Etiam congue at.

Our vision is to alleviate the needs of HUMANITY

globally across the countries and communities we serve and to promote the dignity and self-worth of every person through health care, knowledge, education, training, empowerment, and advocacy.

Our philosophy at The Peter Uba Foundation is to focus on the cause of the problem not just the solution on all our interventions and services.

Vulputate orci, et ultrices tellus rutrum mollis. Fusce a eros tellus. Ut vitae risus sit amet nisl blandit rutrum quis ac enim. Etiam congue at.

We are proud of these values we represent



We believe in promoting the freedom, dignity, and self-worth of every person. We are the voice of the people we serve in addressing their humanitarian needs.



We are dedicated to inspiring individuals to reach their full potential.



We are dedicated to honesty, transparency, and accountability in all we do.



We believe that for change to occur, there must be partnerships formed with the vulnerable populations, local civil societies, peers, governments, donors, and/or the public and private sector to ensure the success of any activity to benefit the population severed.



We place value in the rights of the populations we serve, our volunteers, and our partners. We listen to them and value their thoughts and ideas.

Each donation is an essential help which improves the lives of so many vulnerable populations

For the past 15 years, Mr. Ben Uba has been personally involved in the helping profession, individually catering to the spiritual and emotional needs of vulnerable populations. For all those years, Mr. Uba had been exploring his vision of engaging with vulnerable communities in a global outreach initiative. In 2021, he decided to make that vision a reality, thus began The Peter Uba Foundation global initiative. We are headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.Â