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A Call to Action to Combat Climate Change

Solutions to the climate crisis are within reach, but in order to capture them, we must take urgent action today at every level of society

Al Gore

Climate change remains a growing concern for the Island nations, the cities, and dwellers living in the ocean and river basins around the globe, including the Caribbean and many Asian, and African Countries. This has become an issue that requires a call to action!. In the Amazon Forest, many trees are being cut down to make room for commercial purposes, these forests contribute to the balance of nature. The same is happening in the African continent in the cutting of natural environments to sustain their living either for cooking or burning the trees for farming. These regions globally are experiencing hotter, drier weather and overall, more severe storms, flooding, and rising sea levels. The Peter Uba Foundation will be partnering with civil societies and the private sectors to strategize on how best to help provide aid in this cause. One of the areas we are currently evaluating is the development of Early Warning Systems (EWS) in the regions we serve. EWSs and operational weather and climate services will be invaluable to supporting risk management and adaptation in a weather crisis.
Climate change and extreme weather are threatening human health and safety, food, water and energy security and the environment in Latin America and the Caribbean. The impacts span the entire region, including Andean peaks, mighty river basins and low-lying islands, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It flags concerns about fires and the loss of forests which are a vital carbon sink.
The Peter Uba foundation has launched its Cut-One-Grow-One (COGO) program in the farming communities we currently serve. We have created agreements with the farmers that for every tree they cut down a new one will be planted thus regenerating the tree and the soil. This is a practice that we will continue as we expand into all the rural communities we serve globally. The natural ecosystems are struggling to sustain humanity and to flourish and survive for many years to come. The Peter Uba Foundation is committed to wildlife and ecosystem-friendly restoration. Our targets are rural and underdeveloped communities, and we believe we have the structure to continue to collaborate with our partners to improve the natural resources revitalization that will make living sustainably in the years to come.  


“There is one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change.” Barack Obama a) COGO (Cut-One-Grow-One) The Peter Uba Foundation's top priority is to help the combating of these issues of Deforestation in the communities we serve globally. The COGO program is created to address both deforestation and sustainability balancing the use of the forest and saving the Forest for the further generation. Our COGO program restores the balance by the reintroduction to the locals the value of the use of the land for sustainability. Introducing sustainable alternatives, instead of firewood, use propane burning stove or gas burners, instead of cutting the trees to sell the woods, replant the land with food products for sustainability driving the values of food and agriculture as well as sustainability. We support the community with these programs as well as provide them with the seeds and fertilizer and teach them how to organically use the land effectively. b) EWS (Early Warning System) The Peter Uber Foundation's EWS is people-centered. We empower individuals and communities threatened by hazards to act in sufficient time and in an appropriate manner to reduce the possibility of early injury, loss of life, and damage to property and the environment. There are four key elements to EWS preparedness Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Warning Service, Dissemination and Communication, and Response capability. We have created several training materials for our EWS Project for the communities we serve in the form of informational booklets, MP3 recordings, and diagrams for community members to utilize during and after training to teach them to:  
  • Understand the nature of the risk involved in climate change and help motivate them to prioritize EWS and preparedness. The foundation provides a two-week training course with materials such as training books, MPS, radios, etc., to train and provide information for response and preparedness.
  • We help create a hazard monitoring system for different hazards, connecting communities to reliable forecasting and monitoring systems.
  • Leaders in the community are identified and tasked with dissemination and communication, however, community members must be vigilant as well. Hand crank radios as well as flashlights and batteries are provided to each household in the community.
  • Through training, the communities become well informed of the risk, preparedness, and how to react during a disaster. They know the best ways to avoid damage and loss of property and know available escape routes to safety.

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